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Intern at Ecovent

Wall Sensors & Beta Vents

The primary job I was hired for at Ecovent was to construct and test the pilot wall sensors and beta vents. I helped to layout the assembly line, as well as devised alternate installation methods, to maximize efficiency when assembling wall sensors. The protheses that I helped develop are going to be used as a guideline at full scale production.

Temperature sensor
Photo Sep 29, 5 03 36 PM_edited
Temp sensor
Power core with leads

Some of the subassemblies required extreme care to be made reliably. The pressure and temperature sensors (pictures 1-3) used four pin Pico-EZmate connectors. Each wire connector had to be made from the ground up; stripping, crimping leads, and soldering into the board. I was primarily in charge of soldering the connectors to the boards, which required precision to avoid creating short circuits. 

At Ecovent I also conducted various software tests on the several different circuit boards. In order to program and test the boards, I had to find ways to power the boards, and keep them powered while while running overnight tests on mutable systems at once. Using extra cables in the lab, I was able to splice into the wires, and put connectors on them to power the boards. 

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